
Public API Request

This application requests data from an API, which contains twelve random users, and displays information for each random user. When "employee card" is clicked, a modal appears with detailed information about that "employee". Twelve new random users appear each time the page is refreshed.

GitHub Project

Phrase Hunter

This application is a game where the user must guess what the phrase is. Be aware as the user only has five lives. Every time a letter is guessed wrong, the user loses a life (a heart). Once the user completes the game by guessing all letters right, a screen pops up and congratulates the user.

GitHub Project

Pagination and Filtering

This program paginates and filters a long list of students. Each "page" contains only 10 students per "page". The pagination links are dynamically added with the function appendPageLinks which then calls the other functions to begin this program.

GitHub Project

Interactive Form

An interactive form which validates the user's input. Informs the user when information is invalid.

GitHub Project

Random Quote Generator

This program generates random quotes every five seconds and/or when button is clicked.

GitHub Project

Javascript Course Website

A website created for a college course which contains small JavaScript projects

GitHub Project